Tuesday, May 5, 2009

G spot

That Freud was deeply conservative is clear from his theory of the development of erogenous zones. While the child - so Freud - is polymorphously perverse, meaning that it can enjoy sexual pleasure from the stimulation of a large number of organs, the genitals monopolise this function during the course of normal sexual development. The most bizarre element in this puzzle is the claim that the vagina must take the place of the clitoris as the primary erogenous zone. Freud tells us nothing about how this miracle is to be achieved. Furthermore it is noticeable that he uses the term "perverse" for sexual arousal originating from areas of the body other than the genitals, which would imply that heterosexual intercourse with the aim of procreation is the norm. Even foreplay must be thought of as a perversion.

Modern pseudo science has rushed to the aid of Freud's phantasm. It has discovered the g spot, an area inside the vagina, which is the harbinger of unparalleled sexual pleasure. It is no coincidence that the "discoverer" of the g spot was a man. What this phantasm actually discovers is a phallocentric view on sexuality. It tells us that only the penis can be the source of ultimate pleasure. It seeks to deny the obvious fact that women can quite well do without it. It is the most outstanding manifestation of the fear of castration. The g spot consoles men that their little friend is not utterly useless by projecting the male love for their penis onto women. Freud, the old prude, tried to base human psyche on sexuality, but he saw sexuality only in its limited bourgeois guise. He confused the superstructure for the base and built his theoretical construction on a hypostatized patriarchal society.

1 comment:

A351 said...

If it is the "phallocentric view of men on sexuality", why then does it make so much fun for some men (and women)to search and conquer it with their fingers?