Saturday, October 23, 2010

Multiculturalism is dead

At least that is what German chancellor Angela Merkel has declared in a speech to the youth branch of the CDU, sparking a heated polemic around the globe. It is not long ago that Thilo Sarrazin, at the time member of the executive board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, published a book in which he openly propagates racist theories (for example that genetic deficiencies are to blame for low academic performance of Turkish immigrants). He has been relieved of his post, not surprisingly. That the book has become a bestseller on the other hand is cause for concern. That Merkel has shifted to a national-chauvinist rhetoric is cause for concern.

Yet she speaks the truth. Multiculturalism has failed utterly. What is more it was madness to ever believe it could work. While coexisting together peacefully might seem fine on paper, in reality some groups have stubbornly refused to integrate. Time and time again they have proven themselves unable to accept the most basic rules of society. Today their antisocial behavior, their moral depravity and ruthless criminality have become blatantly obvious, but were they really any different in the past? No. Although I consider myself a tolerant person, here is where I must draw the line: the bourgeoisie must go. There is no way we can coexist peacefully with them. It is not the case that they were not given a chance to integrate. We have asked them time and time again to accept our most basic social norms and time and time again they have refused. Every chance they have gotten they chose greed over charity, ruthlessness over compassion, egoism over altruism. They are the cancer that is destroying our societies. So I ask you this: should we try to coexist peacefully with the cancer whose only aim is to destroy us, or should we fight it with every ounce of strength?


shakub said...

How, oh wise one, shall we commense this task? As someone who shares your vision but with no inclination for weilding real weapons, I think we need to use our heads to defeat them, perhaps?

Sašo said...

You mean headbutting them into oblivion?

I fear we are nearing a situation where the prophesy of Rosa Luxemburg that the future is either communism or barbarism will again come true (old Adolf proved her right the first time around). I will not choose violence. But as the economic crisis lingers on, as lives are lost, lived in desperation, hate is building up. As the bourgeoisie and their committees (the governments) have chosen not to back up even for an instant, I don't see much hope of a peaceful solution. And I refuse to reenact the fate of the communards. What else is there left for us but to prepare for violence?